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Founded in 1999, Ardans Sas has emerged as a leader in the knowledge engineering in France by offering a range of advice, expertise and IT & KM editor toolS dedicated to Knowledge Management. Ardans is an independent company which is based in Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Paris-Saclay). Ardans Sas is a member of AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence), EGC (Retrieval and Knowledge Management Association), Cap Digital, ASTech, Comité Richelieu, RAVI (Automobility and Vehicles Network), EFEL (French Association of Sotfware Edition). |
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Henri Fayol Institut is a joint research centre of ARMINES and Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne. This research centre deals with industrial management, systems engineering and information technology. It aims at developing and exploring advanced methods, models and technologies to improve the overall performance of organizations, companies, and businesses, from both social responsibility and sustainable development perspectives. The team involved in the ETHICAA project is the ISCOD team (Open, Distributed and Cooperative Informatics) with an expertise on normative multi-agent systems and self-organization, on semantic web technologies and trust and privacy. |
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The GREYC is a CNRS UMR and a laboratory of the University of Caen Normandy (UNICAEN) and the engineer school ENSICAEN. Its research topics are computer sciences, automatics and micro-electronics. The team involved in the ETHICAA project is the MAD team (Models, Agents and Decision) works on intelligent and autonomous systems with, in particular, reasoning and planning models for cooperative multi-agent systems. |
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The Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research for innovation in the fields of engineering and digital technology. It brings together thirteen engineering and management schools. The team involved in the ETHICAA project is the ETHOS team (Ethics, Technologies, Humans, Organizations, Society) of the Mines-Télécom Business School Institute (in collaboration with IMT Atlantic) which questions the ethical and societal consequences of digital transformation. |
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The LIP6 (UMR 7606 UPMC and CNRS) is a lab from Sorbonne Université that is today, with 550 members, one of the most important Computer Science centers in France. The team involved in the ETHICAA project is the ACASA team which has a strong experience in symbolic artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, reconstruction of reasoning, data mining and ethical reasoning with symbolic artificial intelligence techniques. |
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Onera (Office National d'Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales) is the French national aerospace research center. The research carried out at Onera results in computation codes, methods, tools, technologies, materials and other products and services which are used in aerospace: civil aircraft, military aircraft, helicopters and tilt-rotors, propulsion systems, orbital systems, space transport, missile systems, defence systems and networked systems. The department involved in the ETHICAA project is the DTIS (Systems and Information Processing Department) which has an expertise in autonomous decision making and robotics. |